Total Sponsored: 3 children Sponsorship Goal: 60 children
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Joshua Scott

2025 Mount Kilimanjaro

I'm climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with Team World Vision to help find sponsors for precious children in need.

I traveled to Africa in 2024 and it was life changing. Although my trip was only for ten days, my heart never left. This trip made a lasting imprint on my heart and mind. Since then I've had a growing passion to help foster positive change across the continent. Although, I've traveled other places, Africa is where I desire to make a generous impact! I've experienced the intentional, and impactful work of World Vision firsthand and I would love to keep this impactful partnership going, this time to impact children, families, and communities in Tanzania.  

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, the largest free-standing mountain in the world is a goal of mine for 2025. I'll summit this mountain to make an impact in Tanzania, but also to help me as a pastor to live a more healthy lifestyle. This is a life challenge like no other, and I need your help to make this dream a reality. I'm asking for you to partner with me by sponsoring a child which will help to bring great change and transformation to Tanzania.

I'm inviting you to be a part of a life changing effort that can truly transform individual lives and communities. I promise to capture my journey prep, and training to share with you. With your help dreams can become a reality! Will you take a step with me by sponsoring a child? I sure hope so!