2025 London Marathon

Everything you need for this race.

Your impact is wildly powerful. Join the team!*

*This London Marathon race is a Cash Invitational event for Team World Vision. In order to be eligible for this race, you must have received an invitation from our Team World Vision staff. If you have questions, please contact Heather Wilford. Thank you!

The Race

The London Marathon is one of six World Major Marathons and touted as one of the best, most exciting races in the world. It is also one of the world’s largest marathons and holds the title as the largest annual fundraising event in the world.

The London Marathon is also one the most difficult marathons in the world in which to get a single marathon bib entry. Team World Vision has secured 25 marathon spots for our Team World Vision team, which will be given to our top fundraisers from each TWV (Team World Vision) Endurance event!

Tentative Trip Itinerary

Race Day : April 27, 2025

Feel free to extend your trip on either end with friends or family. All are welcome to participate in race weekend activities.

Thursday: Team Arrives & Check-In
Friday: London Marathon Expo and sightseeing
Saturday: Rest Day, Shake-Out Run, and Team Dinner
Sunday: Race Day & Evening Celebration
Monday: Breakfast Celebration & Departures

How World Vision Works:

Bringing Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)


At World Vision we believe that every child deserves clean water. It's the essential building block of life that allows children and their communities to survive and flourish. Our community-based approach gives us deep roots in the community, while our more than 60-year history gives us the longevity and experience to take quality, sustainable interventions to scale.  

World Vision has been working in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for more than 50 years, starting in the 1960s primarily with small water projects in individual communities. We gained much experience in the subsequent decades, including a significant scale-up through the West Africa Water Initiative – a large public-private partnership, where World Vision served as the lead non-governmental organization. In 2010, World Vision made a strategic decision to scale up its investment in WASH, making an increased, targeted investment in WASH in 12 countries with high WASH need – ten in Africa, one in Latin America, and one in Asia. Because of this strategic investment, over the last 5 years we have reached more that 7 million people with water, sanitation and hygiene, specifically providing safe drinking water to more than 5.5 million people.

The ultimate goal of all of World Vision’s work is child well-being. Child well-being at World Vision is defined by the following four targets:

  1. Children enjoy good health.
  2. Children are educated for life.
  3. Children experience the love of God and their neighbors
  4. Children are cared for, protected and participating.

World Vision believes that sustainable well-being is impossible without sustainable, equitable access to clean water, dignified sanitation and appropriate hygiene behaviors.

In our clean water work, we strive to provide access to clean water as close as possible to households -- with a maximum of 30 minutes round trip. We build water points in partnership with communities, and we work to ensure that water points are locally managed through water committees. Those committees ensure that water user fees are collected to maintain and repair the well. 

World Vision works to provide environmentally sustainable solutions to water access, using solar water pumping technology wherever possible to provide access to clean water using renewable energy sources. We also work to ensure water is kept clean from the source to the point of use, ensuring community members have the knowledge and resources necessary to collect, treat and use their water safety to protect them from drinking contaminated water. 

Below are some of the water projects that run in harmony with our other key areas of development: health, education, food, and economic development. This approach tackles the root causes of poverty, enabling children to experience fullness of life.

Drill Rigs

These trucks traverse great distances to drill up to hundreds of feet underground to tap into water aquifers.


Hand pumps in the middle of a community allow water to be generated without electricity.

Solar Pumps

These panels generate energy from the sun to pull water from pumps, up into storage tanks, and then allow gravity to feed water to various communities.


Pipelines transport water from access points and allow for water distribution across hundreds of miles.

Rain Catchments

Roofs and other kinds of catchments collect rainwater into a storage tank for treatment and distribution.

Water Kiosks

From catching rainwater to receiving water from pumps or pipelines, community members come and fill up jugs for a small cost.

Latrines & Handwashing

Sanitation and hygiene are promoted by community leaders and practiced with ventilated, improved latrines and handwashing stations.

Repair Mechanics

Local technicians and members of the water users association are elected to help maintain water projects for long-term sustainability.



Individual Fundraising Goals

To secure 1 of our 25 entries into the London Marathon, each participant must fundraise $25,000.

Check out our Incentives Page to see the amazing swag you can earn as you reach various levels of fundraising.

Hotel, Airfare, and Fees


More information is coming soon!

$650-$1,000 for airfare. Check prices at www.kayak.com.
Race Bib

The 2025 London Marathon race fee is $300.

suggested packing list

Adventures in London



For questions, please reach out to Heather Wilford.